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   The Start of My Writing 

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  Solo Deo Gloria.
 I'm very grateful
for these awards.
 Royal Palm Literary  Awards: 

2024 First Prize, Gold for Creative Nonfiction Story, The Shoe: A Cuban Girl's First Days in the U.S.A.

2023 Second Prize, Silver for Short Story, Penance.

2021 Third Prize, Bronze for Short Story, Behind The Scenes . . . A Christmas Tale

 2020 First Prize, Gold for Published Flash Fiction, The Magical Dress.
 2019 Second Prize, Silver, Creative Nonfiction, Romance in the U.S.A., A Cuban Girl's Story
 2018 First Prize,
 Gold, for Short Story, Seis Dedos,
Six Toes
 2017 Third Prize
for Flash Fiction, 
The Rafters
  I'm very grateful, 
 that my flash fiction stories, The Rafters 
and Kissed by The Mouth of Truth,
were used by an improvisation 
theater in our bay area for
dramatization. And 
 that my Seis Dedos,
Six Toes, short story, made it to to the finalist list for a ScreenCraft, contest,  
a contest in search
for stories to make into movies.
I'm thankful to have won awards for my 
The Guava Newton,
The Peanut Vendor, In
Memory of the Rafters, 
The Petals I Remember,
The Chiseler.
 I'm thankful to have received first 
place in a TWA, writing contest for
my nonfiction story, The Trip, To the Left
of My Hyphen. It was published in the Tampa
Writers Alliance's anthology, 
Wordsmith 2010.
The early encouraging
urged me on!
I'm very grateful for these and other ways my writing has been recognized.
And I'm super,
super grateful to readers who have
given me wonderful
Thank you! 

     I began to write in 2008. If someone had told me before that I would some day be a writer, an author, who would be blessed by being able to touch someone's soul, someone's heart, and one that would come to hear her name called, to receive writing awards, I think I would have thought that person crazy!  Author, award-winning author ... me?


    But then, I sensed the call from above to write. And my mother and daughter encouraged me. The adventure began and writing and working at improving my craft has become one of the most satisfying experiences of my life.


And what a pleasant surprise! Writing came with many other gifts including an extended family. My writing family: Bistro, Tampa Writers Alliance, Word Weavers and the Florida Writers Association. It has been an honor to belong to these groups. They have watered me, pruned me, helped nurture my growth as a writer and as a person.      


    And how tremendous when your name is called at a conference to receive a prize! What thrill to hold that award in your hands.  


    I'm so glad that I followed Julia Cameron's directions when she wrote, "To be truly human, we all have the right to make art. We all have the right to write."        



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Royal Palm LIterary Award 2018 Seis Dedo
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             Quotes from Readers

   "Amarilys crosses genres with ease and

       subtlety, achieving intimacy from first

   page, rendering readers amazed and     satisfied." Alina Vitali, Award winning author, poet, MSW.

     "Amarilys's beautiful crafted folk-stories are poignantly illuminated through poetic verses reflective of the tropical rhythms of her Cuban roots."       Elizabeth Goehringer, author of Fuel For The Fire.

 "Amarilys's poignant stories and poems are beautiful works that transport you to another time and place...." Kim Hackett, award-winning author, published in FWA's anthologies, Slices of Life, and Let's Talk

Oregon State University Students

"Amarilys, thank you for your inspirational stories. Your literary voice is astounding...." Matthew 

"Your stories perspective, and voice are truly impactful. Thank you for being willing to share your experience!" Tinzie

"Amarilys, thank you so much for talking to us and sharing your story. As a fellow poet I really enjoyed your work and your way of creative expression." Emilec   

"Thank you so much, your writing is beautiful!" Bonnie 

 "I loved your book and it was wonderful to meet you. Best, Hannah."


Copyright © by Amarilys Gacio Rassler

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